• Bước 1: đọc lướt để lấy thông tin chung về chủ đề
  • Bước 2: đọc chậm và lưu ý phát âm từ lạ, ghi chú lại để check từ điển sau
  • Bước 3: tập trung cho những từ vựng in đậm, không được tra nghĩa mà phải cố gắng hiểu thông qua bảng giải thích bên dưới mỗi bài


My hobby is the most enjoyable, relaxing, and rewarding activity in my free time. It brings me happiness and helps me learn new things.

I love reading books because they take me into a world of imagination and knowledge. Every time I open a book, I discover new ideas, exciting adventures, and valuable lessons. Reading helps me improve my vocabulary and understand different cultures and perspectives. Whether it’s a storybook, a history book, or a science magazine, I always find something interesting to read.

A hobby is not just a way to pass time; it is a source of joy and personal growth. It allows me to relax, explore new interests, and develop useful skills that will benefit me in the future.


    1. enjoyable – giving pleasure or making someone happy.
    2. relaxing – helping someone feel calm and free from stress.
    3. rewarding – giving a feeling of satisfaction and achievement.
    4. imagination – the ability to create ideas or pictures in the mind.
    5. adventure – an exciting or unusual experience.
    6. valuable – very useful or important.
    7. perspective – a particular way of thinking about something.
    8. pass time – to do something to make time seem to go by faster.
    9. personal growth – the process of improving skills, knowledge, and character.
    10. explore – to discover or learn about something new.